
Meet Our Pastor

In this volatile and changing world, God’s word is living and therefore relevant. There is a deepening need for us as representatives of God to: Love 1st, live by his standards, operate in patience, win with wisdom, live in submission, and function with the grace we desire rather than the ridicule we deserve. We have to show up and be present rather than talk down from distance. Alisha and I believe GOD is greater than our color, race, politics, gender, or socio-political religion.

Alisha and my time in college and early post-graduate career was full of mental, financial, emotional and spiritual hurdles, trials, fits and starts that we can never forget… and I can never forget the lessons leading to paradigm and perspective shifts that giving my life to God through Jesus has afforded me. It’s true No man shall look on the face of God & live Exodus 33:20. We must die daily to ourselves Corinthians 15:31. My best life is only lived when I die to clout and likes, constraints and segregation by denomination (class and color), Idolic-religious worship and socio-political validation.

I believe it's not enough to talk about God and never show him to be real. I understand it is “The least of these” that is most affected by my actions. I believe to campuses and students at a macro level who have never seen God, he will continue to be invisible until (at a micro level) he is visible in my actions and how I treat others. I want to encourage others by my actions to know God and to make him know. The truth is, Young Adults are Adults; with the same wins and losses, highs and lows, needs and qwerks. It’s vitally important to see it this way in order to serve in this ministry. I’m excited to have this opportunity to serve young adults of every background in every way possible.


Pastor Demetrus Sutton

Come Hangout with us!

Sunday Hangouts will continue into 2021 once a month on the first Sunday of every month from 2-4 pm. Join us to hangout, chat, and play games together! 

Dates: January 3, February 7, April 4, May 2, July 4, August 1, October 3, November 7, December 5


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